Smart Cat
Since I lost my old cat Charlie after fourteen years of devotion, we acquired a red tabby and white Manx cat kitten that we called Tangye after the author Derek Tangye who wrote about several of his cats in the Minack Chronicles.
We didn’t know what we were taking on especially as we had a resident soft lazy blue Burmese called Aimee. At first Tangye would go into the space between the washing machine and the cupboards, which we called his hole, for safety and when Aimee was near him anywhere he would do his business en site accompanied by a low growl.
Nowadays he rules Aimee. They take it in turn to chase each other and they play tick.
But Tangye never sleeps; he knocks over bins, the linen basket and the container of cat biscuits, so he is a self server! Then he plays football with Brussel sprouts! I found these filed away in the house – 3 were in the washing machine. Clean Brussels !! One day I found he had discovered some egg shells. (I had just been to see the shell seekers!)
He is a very clean cat. He puts his paws in his water bowl and washes his face. He likes to sleep in the sink or washing machine. And he can’t resist a running tap or the water filling the loo! The plug to the bathroom washbasin we always have to replace. Well, his fascination for water makes him turn in the taps which sets off the central heating of the combi-boiler. He has the radiators on underneath him and basks in the heat…a really SMART cat!!
The other morning he operated the remote control of the T.V. and put the T.V. on at 5:30am in the morning. I wondered what’s that burlar. When I came downstairs I found him watching cartoons. Clever!
He is in appearance like a miniature tiger and the odd occasions when he does sleep I’ll find him contemplating his stripes as he washes himself incessantly. On a knee he’ll put out his left paw. He’s a really bright left handed cat!